New registrations accepted anytime, class space permitting.
All classes will be held at the South Campus GYM A (unless where noted) - classes meet 1x/week.
These classes have a variable monthly rate based on $21/40 min. or $24/1 hour. Total monthly cost is calculated according to the number of hours your class meets each month. Our Summer has 2 sessions. Each session is $84/40 mins./4 wks. or $96/hour/4wks.

Payment for the first month's class and the annual gym registration fee of $30/student must be submitted with all new student enrollments. Former student's registration fees are renewable one (1) year from the date you began classes.
Once enrolled in school year classes, students are automatically enrolled through May, 2024. You must notify our office if you wish to end enrollment before May, 2025. You are responsible for payment up through date of notification.


There will be a $6 processing fee per child deducted from any refund. However, no refunds will be given once the first class of each month has begun. Registration fees are non-refundable.

AutoPay is required for all accounts to be enrolled in the AutoPay program for recurring billing. When accessing your account through the Customer Portal, you will be required to save your credit card information. Customers enrolling over the phone will also be required to provide credit card information to be entered in your account. Once enrolled, your monthly tuition payments will then be autodrafted on the 24th of the month for the upcoming month. If you would like to remit payment using a different card than the card saved on your account, you have the option of changing the credit card information on your account or remit payment through the Portal or by telephone before the 24th of the current month using a different credit card. Please note: If you plan on ending a student's enrollment you must inform us before the 24th of the month so we may stop Autopay.

Inclement Weather Policy

All a.m. activities at the Omaha Gymnastics Academy South Campus will automatically be cancelled when the Papillion/LaVista School District cancels their regular school-hour classes due to inclement weather conditions.  

All a.m. activities at the Omaha Gymnastics Academy North Campus will automatically be cancelled when the Omaha Public School District cancels their regular school-hour classes due to inclement weather conditions. 
For closings regarding activities during the p.m., a determination will be made, and announcements will be posted by 1:00 p.m. that same day on our websites and on Facebook. E-mails will also be sent.  
A determination regarding Saturday classes will be made by  
6:30 a.m. that same day.  
If KiDS & OGA hold activities but conditions still do not allow you to safely venture out, you will need to notify us of your child’s absence in accordance with our regular make-up policy.

An email will be sent as soon as the decision to close/open is made. 

Recreational Gymnastics Policies 

Arrivals & Departures

Your child’s class time is valuable! Please be prompt in bringing your child to class. Our water fountains are open and available to gymnasts during water breaks or gymnasts may bring a bottle of WATER (without additives) to class. All water should be labeled and placed in appropriate bins during class time. No other food or drinks are permitted in the gym area.

Students must be escorted to and from classes by an adult. If you plan to leave the facility during your child’s class time, please complete the information on the sign-out sheets located at the front desk.

Please contact the office if you will be late to pick up your child. Children are instructed to inform an instructor or coach if an adult is not present to pick them up. Children will be instructed to wait in the gym or lobby area while staff attempts to contact the responsible adult.
We retain the right to charge a fee if any staff member is required to stay after hours to wait for a child to be picked up.

Viewing Areas:

Parents and other supervising adults and minor children are welcome to remain and view class from our lobbies. We ask everyone’s cooperation in adhering to the following policies at all times:

Only students receiving instruction in the activity currently in progress AND under the supervision of coaches / instructors will be permitted in any of our gym / practice areas. All other siblings or other registered students visiting outside their class time MUST remain with their supervising adult in the lobby / viewing areas only. This also applies to private instruction, open practices and open to the public activities.


Bare feet and no jewelry, except we do allow stud earrings. Proper gymnastics attire as described below will provide the safest experience for gymnasts.

Girls Program: Leotards are the standard gymnastics uniform. Leotards provide full freedom for movement without extra baggy clothing getting caught on equipment or slipping through the coach’s hands for spotting skills. Proper gymnastic leotards cover the full torso and do not have skirts attached. Gymnasts should have their midriffs covered at all times. Having a leotard that covers the gymnast's midsection allows a safe place for coaches to spot skills without their hands slipping. While leotards are the preferred gymnastics dress code, girls may also wear athletic shorts and a snug fit tank or T-shirt that can be tucked in. Denim shorts or bottoms that have zippers, dangling strings, snaps or buckles are not allowed for safety reasons.

Boys Program: Athletic shorts & t-shirts that can be tucked in – Athletic shorts should not have zippers, snaps, buttons or free dangling strings to avoid getting caught up on equipment. Tucking in their T-shirt keeps it from flipping up and covering their face when inverted. It also provides a smooth torso so coaches don’t get their hands caught up or slip on the fabric when spotting skills.

A SMILE: A smile to complete your uniform means you are ready to learn, grow, and HAVE FUN!

Registration Fee

A $30.00 fee is due and payable upon initial enrollment for every child enrolled at KBS and OGA. This fee expires one year from the child’s start date in classes and must be paid annually to maintain a current enrollment. Registration fees are non-refundable.

Tuition Payments

It will now be required for all accounts to be enrolled in the AutoPay program for recurring billing. When accessing your account through the Customer Portal, you will now be required to save your credit card information. Customers enrolling over the phone will also be required to provide credit card information to be entered in your account. Once enrolled, your monthly tuition payments will then be autodrafted on the 24th of the month for the upcoming month. If you would like to remit payment using a different card than the card saved on your account, you have the option of changing the credit card information on your account or remit payment through the Portal or by telephone before the 24th of the current month using a different credit card.

Recurring payments and billing is only in effect under the School Year class schedule not summer. Summer tuition is paid for upfront.

Please note: If you plan on ending a student's enrollment you must inform us before the 24th of the month so we may stop Auto-Pay.


Credits and refunds are only available for tuition payments made in advance and with proper notice described in Ending Enrollment above. A $6.00 processing fee applies to any refund requested. Registration fees are non-refundable. No refunds are offered for tuition received for any month once classes have started for that month.                                                    


Hourly Discounts – The more hours your child attends classes each week the bigger the discount on the next hour. Please call our office for discounted pricing information.


Your child is now enrolled in a class that is scheduled to run either through the school year or for summer sessions. Please refer to our class schedule to determine which type of class your child's enrollment falls under, then review the enrollment information below based upon your child’s class enrollment.

School Year Classes - These classes are held August through May. Your child will be enrolled, and your account will be billed monthly, each month through May. Classes will conclude towards the end of May and all students registered at that time will be dropped from enrollment. If you would like your child to continue attending in June please re- enroll them in one or both summer sessions.

Summer Classes - Classes for the months of June and July will be added to our schedule and available for registration in April. Students are eligible to register for one or both sessions. If you would like your child(ren) to continue class in August, you will need to register again under our school-year schedule.


Personal schedules change and you may need to transfer a student's enrollment to another day and time. Transfers online will be transmitted as a "Request to Transfer". Our staff will approve a request if the request is for a class that currently has openings and if the request is for the current week or next meeting date. Requests for a transfer in the future (holding 2 spots) or under a different schedule (i.e. summer to school-year) will be denied. Any requests to transfer an enrollment within 4 weeks of a previous transfer will also be denied.


Enrollments are considered active every month until you have notified office personnel (not the instructor/coach) in person, phone or email, of your intent to end your child’s enrollment. Please do not post notifications on our Facebook page.  Payment of the monthly tuition for any month serves as intent of your child’s attendance for the full month.

If you plan on ending a student's enrollment, you must inform us before the 24th of the current month to avoid charges to your credit card.  A good rule to follow:  When you receive your monthly bill (usually sent around the 12th or 13th of the current month), that would be a great time to let us know that you are ending enrollment and we will no longer charge your card. A $6 processing will be assessed for all refunds.

Food & Drinks      

We ask that all gymnasts bring a water bottle to class (without additives). Water bottles should be labeled and placed in appropriate bins during class time. No other food or drinks are permitted in the gym area. We do have a drinking fountain available if a student does not bring a water bottle.


Any activity that involves motion carries with it the risk of injury. Lead instructors and coaches at KBS and OGA are first aid and CPR certified at a minimum. Injuries will be treated according to the severity of the injury. We will contact Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as necessary. The parent or guardian will be notified as soon as the situation is stable.
Students with long-term injuries or illnesses require a note from a medical professional that outlines what activity level they can participate at in order to continue attending classes.

Students that have been absent for long periods due to an injury or illness must provide a note from a medical professional releasing them to participate before they resume attending classes.

Lost & Found

There is a Lost and Found box located in each customer lobby. These boxes are regularly cleaned out and items are donated. Please check the bins regularly for any of your family’s missing items. KBS and OGA are not responsible for any lost and/or stolen items.


Written permission from a medical professional and/or parent must accompany any over the counter or prescribed medication that a student brings to the gym. Medications must be labeled with the child’s name and include written instructions on its dosing and usage. Medications will be retained in specified areas within the office. Medications will not be shared with any other student or sibling.


Recreational students:

To maximize learning we strongly recommend you attend your regular class each week, except when you are sick, we encourage you to stay home. Make-ups are a courtesy we offer you and are limited to space availability. Notice of absence must be made before student’s regular class time by calling our office, leaving a voicemail or email message. Upon notification of absence, a token will be placed on your account to be used at a future Open Practice. Advanced registration is REQUIRED for ALL open practice make-ups. Please contact us for any extenuating circumstances that may require multiple make-up options.

School Year Schedule - Make-Up Open Practices will be held Fridays and / or Saturdays each month. A list of practice dates and times can be found on our customer portal news or the monthly newsletter on our website. A coach / instructor will supervise this activity, however, there will be no instruction during this time. This activity will be for actively enrolled students only, and other siblings or friends are not eligible to attend. Tokens do not expire and may be used during our School-Year or Summer Session schedules as long as the student is actively enrolled in a class at that time. As in our regularly scheduled classes, parents are welcome to view from the lobby area or leave the facility. If leaving our facility, please sign-out on the sign-out sheet located on the lobby desk just in case we need to get in touch with you. Students enrolled in Gym Tots, however, will be required to have one parent participate with their tot.

Tokens may also be redeemed for students who are actively enrolled in class to attend our Tuesday morning Open Play Days as long as the student meets the proper age requirement (visit our website under "Extra Fun" for information).

Make-Up Practice enrollments may not be cancelled or rescheduled and tokens cannot be replaced for make-up absences or no-shows.